Sunday, January 29, 2012

The day after we left Disney we decided to stop in Santa Monica on our way back home. The Santa Monica pier is one of my favorite places. It reminds me of the piers and boardwalks in South Jersey that I grew up visiting every summer. There are always entertainers there working for tips. They range from really talented to really psychotic. My favorite one-man show on this particular day was some guy in a gorilla mask just standing next to a stereo system and occasionally swaying back and forth to the beat. he had a sign that said "Talentless, please give generisly." I thought about taking his picture, but my will to live interfered and I just kept walking instead.

There was a magician setting up a show as we were leaving the pier and he asked the forming crowd if anyone was willing to volunteer to help him out. Now, when I was a kid, if someone said "Is there a little girl in the audience who would like a $100 bill? A little girl named INGRID that would like a $100 dollar bill? Just raise your hand if you're out there!" I would have a total anxiety attack and find a table to hide under until everyone had gone home. Grady is different. Grady will raise his hand to volunteer before he even knows what he's volunteering for, he just wants to be part of the action. For all he knew, this "magician" (possibly felon) was planning on shooting his assistant out of a cannon. Grady didn't care. He wanted in.

What a creepy shot. Ew.

After the magic show, Ben took some pictures that will serve as great reminder that I need to work on toning my arms.

The boys were able to detect the presence of an arcade within one mile, so we obviously ended up there for awhile. Aidan is apparently on a very intense safari, here.

No idea.

Back at home, the kids tree in the family room.

Making cookies Christmas Eve. Aidan looks concerned.

Thank goodness Sean was here to eat the cookies left for Santa. They were some freaky looking cookies.


The eleven foot (or something) tree. Remember when I talked about overdoing it?

Isn't this the most bizarre and random post for January ever? I had a post that totally made sense, but Blogger ate it. I tried to recreate it using the pictures that I had used, but I have no idea what I was going for. Sorry.
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~**Dawn**~ said...

I went to the Santa Monica Pier a couple of years ago! The only thing I really remember about it is that it was nighttime and windy and I was freezing my buns off. I don't even think I took any photos!

Ingrid said...

It can get cold depending on the time of year you go! The first time I went was in March and it was a bit chilly.